Friday, April 27, 2012



The wind sang a song last night
One of sorrow and shame.
About how people come and go
And how they cry to the steeples their pain.

There is no star in the sky
That can hold me back tonight.

The black mist of midnight's dirge
Mourned the passing of the past morn
While the dew from daybreak's showers
Heralds the new day with a softly swimming horn.

Who is the man that will charge my soul
And plead the stoppage of love so old?

I waited on the hillside hunting for signs of life
Where shoes once tread, and dancing footsteps led
To the sound of the triumphant return
Of the clamor of Dawn's orchestra that said:

A new day rises, come and greet it
But only if you have the courage to seize it.


The beauty of the sunrise is something that I hold dear in my heart, and I enjoy writing about it in my poems. With every new day comes endless possibilities, and I think that is is something to contemplate.

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